CityDesk Miami

The 10 Advantages of Coworking

So you’ve decided to take the jump. Whether you work on your own, like almost more than half of the population. Paying your share of autonomous tax of your bills, but since you’re starting you have more expenses than incomes, and getting yourself an office does not adjust in your plans.

In addition, working from home gives you a freedom of schedules that you had not had so far but in the end you’re spending 24 hours a day to build your new business. But then you start to be tired of working alone. So get out of your comfort zone and get ready to look for a new workspace. CoWorking is a form of collaborative work as professionals gather in the same space of different branches developing their projects independently, while promoting joint projects.

Below you will learn 10 benefits of working in a Coworking space.

1. Reduce expenses

Sharing an office also lets you share expenses. It is possible to pay a rent when you’re trying to set up your own business, but sharing the cost of a rent such as, electricity, water, internet and telephone among several professionals have become a workplace into something much more affordable would be much reasonable.

2. Networking

No more working alone, finally able to have conversations with colleagues from your own area or others. At CityDesk you get to meet so many new cultures, ideas, and alternatives, from entrepreneurs, small businesses, designers, photographers, writers … This environment will help you grow as a professional, as well as getting more familiar with your fellows and so off to create a network of contacts that can open doors to new customers, ideas, projects…

3. Training

Good Coworking spaces are measured not only by how central it is located, price and professionals, but for the extra services offered such as training.

Coming to work at CityDesk will also allow you to enjoy talk’s sessions and workshops or even -free events – to teach more of any subjects that interest you or ideal for you business growth.

4. Free Consultation

Another advantage we offer is providing free advice on topics you had never worried or thought of before until now that you want to start your project. There are many who offer legal advice, tax, financial and technological.

5. Meeting rooms

It is not the same meeting with investors or future partners in the lounge or in the kitchen of your home than in a meeting room. At CityDesk we have a very conformable high-tech meeting room that can be reserved for when you need it through our online booking system.

6. Events

In addition to courses and workshops like said above we compromise with several events a year on different themes that you can enjoy and learn, while still doing networking.

7. Motivation

It is Not the same working at home in your pajamas than working in an area of ​​entrepreneurship surrounded by a daily wave of ideas. The motivation to go to work with other creators will enhance your desire and your creativity.

8. Visibility

You may be very good at what you’re at either by offering or selling if people do not know who you are it’s as alike as if you don’t exist. Sharing a vibrant space in which every day there are new working professionals, offering courses or participating in the workshops will make you and your work more visible and you more confident.

9. Flexibility

You may spend hours and hours still working on your plan of defining your idea and may probably think it won’t work for you. Do not hesitate, CityDesk offers plans for all types of needs and budgets.

10. Collaboration

You will find a wide variety of professionals from different trades and background that together all collaborate to form one great community. At CityDesk we organize monthly events and workshops for our members and the public to get to know newcomers of the community that strives to work together to improve professionally and personally.


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