Have I turned into an annoying boss?
Chances are that among your labor years you’ve come across with a boss that was more of a micromanager than a leader and had made your life miserable. Perhaps those years living your days as an employee took that good humor and motivation out of you since you had an annoying boss behind your neck always demanding you multiple tasks to be done overnight and you swore to yourself to never-ever turn into an ogre once you become your own boss. Let me tell you something now, bosses rarely view themselves that way because they have a huge amount of responsibilities and pressure going on around them that they don’t “have time” to act as leaders, and same as you, they have seen the same pattern of behavior during their working years, believing that acting harsh with employees will totally make them have a better productivity. Wrong!
This is why we would like to alert you to certain behaviors that an annoying boss usually (always) has. Take a look at these ‘symptoms’:
Delegation can improve quality of work by allowing the employees who have direct knowledge of what they do best to make decisions and complete tasks; however, annoying bosses always believe that no one can do a better job than they can, which this basically tells that they have zero confidence about what their employees are capable of doing. Watch out because it can turn counterproductive when wanting to get a task done by your employees since they might have lack of security for doing it by themselves.
If you’re that kind of person that keeps sending continuous e-mails and messages to your employees’ mobiles 24/7 to check their progress, you’re probably turning into an annoying boss. It’s great that you are interested on achieve more productivity within your employees but let’s face it, this is just a way to frightened them or worst, make them feel bothered by you. Try implementing a reliable web process to be aware of the progress of each employee that works with you, rather than having to chase them every time a task must be done.
There is nothing more annoying than an authoritative boss that commands his/her staff to do something instead of telling properly and listening to them, because this is where morality and respect from the boss is lost to their employees. Be careful to turn into a dictator if you would like to be seen as a leader by your employees, because this could not be anything further from what leadership means.
This symptom is very common on an annoying boss. They enjoy requesting unnecessary and overly detailed reports to their employees, making the second ones to avoid his/her presence inside the office. What this type of people are actually ‘reaching’ is just a degraded environment where exists a major influence on employees’ emotions, therefore under the pressure they end up having great difficulty to progress.
Trying to pinpoint every mistake employees make can actually lower the progress of everything in a business; have always in mind that mistakes happen and bad decisions are made so you should keep it cool and focus on the important aspects before making chaos over what’s really in the big picture. In fact, 9 out of 10 managers admit decisions made in the past 3 years would have been better if they’ve let in more information.
Symptoms are followed by an irritation when employees make a decision without consulting, thus generating workplaces dominated by distrust and fear that won’t allow employees to perform at their best. The annoying boss who adopts this behavior has a very deep set of feelings such as insecurity and selfishness, so beware when you start discouraging other independent decision-making.
Felt identified with any?
Hope not, but if you did, good news is that it’s all in your attitude, and there are ways to keep it cool at the office with a hassle free environment. Join our community now!