Is Your Freelance Business Ready for Coworking?

Freelance Business and Coworking As a freelancer, one of the biggest perks certainly is the freedom you own to do what you love, whenever you want, wherever you want to; but sometimes the challenge here is, finding a place where you may establish and be able to build a reputation and client base without feeling outcast [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|0 Comments

Living and working in the Riverfront community

The Riverfront community is an urban development area, consisting of 3 residential buildings: Mint, The Ivy and Wind, construction of the project being in 2006 and was completed by Jan 2009 with the completion of Mint, one of the tallest buildings in Florida with 631 feet. The Ball Room at Wind by [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|0 Comments

How to Make Use of a Virtual Office While Traveling

Virtual Office in Miami: Get More Done and Serve the Global Client When you decide to start out a business you have been pursuing since long ago, every so often the search for a location in which to establish your business can get your head spinning, thinking whether is it the best option for you [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|0 Comments

Attending a Startup Meetup in Miami

One Checklist That You Should Keep in Mind before Attending a Startup Meetup in Miami Since Miami is turning into a networking hub for startups due to an obvious growing tech startup community, it makes inevitable the increase of networking events created mostly to find investors, customers, and partners, discuss ideas and many other resources. [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|0 Comments

Top 3 Common Personalities You Don’t Want in a Startup Partner

For many out there the time to undertake comes too early, however for others the intention of seeking to create products or ideas that are worth to society remains at a standstill while their chances seem to be slim, since it is clear that starting a new business requires a lot of money for one [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|0 Comments

The Meeting Space: Why the Location Matters?

Inside the Meeting Space is where Evolution Begins Every so often I come across with startups who believe that the location of the meeting space does not incur too much on the reputation of the person or the business itself. This is why I took the liberty (‘necessity’ perhaps fits better) to talk about this [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|0 Comments

CityDesk is fueling the entrepreneurial and Tech community in Miami

MIAMI, FL – CityDesk Miami coworking space is providing free networking events and workshops aimed at local entrepreneurs who wish to network and learn with like-minded individuals in different topics like Web Design, Marketing, Programming and Social Media. Through the CityTech Miami Meetup group we have been able to host multiple free events and workshops [...]

2018-08-21T15:06:04-04:00Blog|0 Comments

Emotional Intelligence in the Entrepreneurial Sphere

Emotional intelligence is not a new term; however inside the entrepreneurial atmosphere it requires a different type of approach when it comes to recognizing when to pause before performing an action that does not lead to anything positive in the growth of your own business, it definitely plays a very important role. Individuals, who decide [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|1 Comment

5 Startup Mistakes to Avoid

Common Startup Mistakes Let’s be honest, it’s not easy becoming a startup. However, many young people are trading their job on a cubicle for this business model since the upside of it is a handful of opportunities to grow faster (within investment and aspirations); some of the times pondering over if making a large investment on a [...]

2017-06-28T17:43:22-04:00Blog|0 Comments
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